Skarkali (2015) – Press reviews

“His playing is clear and crisp, with each note given deep meaning. Bobo Stenson comes naturally to mind in the space given each note. This deep, clear sound is echoed by the harmonies chosen, which sound simple, but are full of ambiguity. Although his music is highly emotional, it is constrained by a deep intelligence which produces a wonderful sense of playful control.” All About Jazz

“The result is completely unpredictable not only from track to track, but also within each track. The arrangements show that Skúlason knows what he is doing as he builds architectural structures that rise up, grow and expand only to shift and dart in a different direction when least expected. This music is paradoxically enigmatic while being direct, intimate while feeling wide open and superficially beautiful while exploring harsh landscapes” All About Jazz

“Skarkali (translated, Loud noises) carries a depth of invention, verve and delicacy which sets it apart from any run-of-the-mill piano trio expectation. Preconceptions happily disintegrate as this nine-track session unfolds, offering a measured blend of folksy, tuneful accessibility and sparky, creative unpredictability.” – London Jazz News
“They have made a good record with a well-balanced mixture of melancholy, good harmonies and a small dose of rock rhythms” (translated)

“Skarkali is filled with an emotional tone and spacious, relaxed sound while also being firm and clear. The musical magic contained on the album makes it extremely pleasant to listen to. Skarkali is a very good contemporary jazz album!” (translated) – Stacja Islandia

“..there is boldness and confidence within their power, unexpected harmonic and melodious streets. Magic, slow and melodious splendor all strive for an escape from reality! Wonderful lyricism! (translated) –

“Skarkali nr. 4 at AP Reviews list of recommended recordings of 2015” – AP Reviews

“Stylish controlled unit worthy of many listens.“ – All About Jazz

“The jury believes that makes Ingi Bjarni remarkable compositions. In addition, the group sound is beautiful and the interplay is well matched. It is worth mentioning that Ingi Bjarni plays original solos.” (translated) – Leiden Jazz Award